Pocket Forests

  • currants in a hedgerow

    Designing a hedgerow pocket forest

    Hedgerows are long skinny pocket forests, living fences, green corridors or what Robert Mellinger calls a snaking berm of exuberance that draws you into the symphony of the living world. Imagine the sounds, smells, and sights of the City in a Forest that emerges once hedgerows weave together our fragmented landscape.
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  • Birdscaping with pocket forests

    Birdscaping with pocket forests

    Like the canary in the coal mine, birds are a bellwether of the health of land, water and ecosystems. The multi-layered habitat required for birdscaping increases climate resilience, reduces GHG...
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  • image illustrating some of the gifts of black walnut trees

    Pocket Forests are gifts to the Earth

    Pocket Forests are songs, poems, love letters to the land. In our gratitude for the gifts of the Earth, we in turn reciprocate by gifting Pocket Forests. Pocket Forests are gifts. Gifts to the Earth. Gifts to our non-human kin (the Birds, the Insects, the four-legged, and more). Gifts to future generations. And gifts to you. 

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  • American Plum next to house

    Pocket Forest Kits

    We have a Pocket Forest Kit to fit even the most challenging landscape condition and for a variety of design goals. Each kit includes between 6 and 45 native trees and shrubs and a pinch of magic dust (mycorrhizal fungi), plus resources and support to help you create and care for your Pocket Forest. Final species selection for each kit is dependent on species availability and your goals.

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  • picture of front yard pocket forest with black walnuts

    Designing a Pocket Forest

    Each year your pocket forest will support more life, build healthier soil, and store more carbon. Within 15-25 years, your pocket forest will become a mother patch, with birds and other wildlife spreading the seeds to new locations. In 15-50 years, your pocket forest will weave together with many other pocket forests throughout the city to grow a city in a forest! 

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  • prepared forest floor for pocket forest

    Preparing for and planting a Pocket Forest

    Learn how to choose a location, when to plant, how to prepare the forest floor, how to plant the trees, and where to source materials for your Pocket Forest. We'd like your Pocket Forest to be a success, and are happy to help!
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  • overwintering insect on leaf

    Caring for your Pocket Forest

    Learning from Indigenous Knowledge, our approach to care rests on a foundation of relationality. We ask ourselves "How are the relations of this place doing?" Our role, as humans, is to help maintain an ecological balance.

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